Monday 11 November 2013

Brand Identity

I want my Masthead to be simple plain sans-serif font without being in any box or having a border around it. I want to have a big Visual Syntax of a close up of the featured person's face with a few Coverlines below the main picture. I want to have about 3 to 4 Coverlines and one main headline at the top of the page. I want to have a small sized Banner at the bottom of the front cover and it will include the names of other artists featured in the article and if I have enough room I may write a small summary about each article on the Banner.

Kerrang creates a Brand Identity by its Masthead being modeled off broken glass this creates the image that Kerrang is about loud rock music, the artists featured are all rock music artists, they are all fairly young artists and all wear dark Gothic fashion.

NME creates a Brand Identity by using a house style of red and white this creates a more relaxed feel as opposed to Kerrang's dark bold colours. This is due to NME focusing on new bands and less aggressive music. The artists featured on NME's front cover are are range of ages some young, some middle aged, some deceased.

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