Wednesday 13 November 2013


Question 1)
What is your gender?
Male [  ]
Female [  ]

Question 2)
How much do you normally pay for a music magazine?
50p - £1.00 [  ]
£1 - £1.50 [  ]
£1.50 - £2.00 [  ]
£2.00 - £2.50 [  ]
£2.50 - £3.00 [  ]
£3.00 + [  ]

Question 3)
What type of music genre do you listen to? (More than one can be picked).
Pop [  ]
Rock [  ]
Indie [  ]
Electronica [  ]
House [  ]
Folk [  ]
Classical [  ]
Heavy Metal [  ]
Screamo [  ]

Question 4)
What features would you like to read in a music magazine? (You can pick more than one).
Reviews of singles and albums [  ]
Information about new bands [  ]
Music News [  ]
Interviews with bands [  ]
Concert listings [  ]
Music puzzles [  ]
Letters from the readers [  ]

Question 5)
How often would you be willing to buy a music magazine?
Once a week [  ]
Once a fortnight [  ]
Once a Month [  ]
Once every 2-6 months [  ]
Once every 7-12 months [  ]
Never [  ]

Question 6)
If any, which music magazines do you currently buy regularly? (You can select more than one).
NME [  ]
Q [  ]
Kerrang! [  ]
Vibe [  ]
Uncut [  ]
Billboard [  ]
MOJO [  ]
None [  ]

Question 7)
Would you use a music magazine to discover new and young artists?
Yes [  ]
No [  ]

Question 8)
Would you prefer a music magazine to have many short features, or longer ones?
Shorter [  ]
Longer [  ]

Question 9) 
Judging by the cover, what would persuade you to buy a music magazine?
The name/title of the magazine [  ]
The image on the front cover/artist that it features [  ]
The headline [  ]
The articles advertised [  ]

Question 10)
Would you prefer a blocky design (with many images and columns of text packed tightly together), or a neater, clearer design?
Neat [  ]
Blocky [  ]

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